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to phrases
ни рыба ни мясоstresses
gen. neither fish nor good red herring; neither fish; flesh nor fowl; between hay and grass; half-and-halfer; neither fish, flesh nor good red herring; half angel half bird; neither fish nor flesh (nor good red herring); betwixt hawk and buzzard (Anglophile); half and halfer
Игорь Миг neither fish or fowl
idiom. neither fish nor fowl (Александр_10); neither here nor there (Andrey Truhachev); betwixt and between (george serebryakov)
inf. wishy-washy; half and half (Rust71); wimp (перен. о человеке Val_Ships); duff (blankabella)
proverb betwixt and between; fair to middling; neither fish, flesh nor fowl; neither fish, nor flesh
proverb, disappr. neither fish nor flesh (used as pred.) (of persons)
slang neither shit nor Shinola (Anglophile)
ни рыба, ни мясо
gen. between hay and grass; flesh nor fowl; flesh nor good red herring; neither fish, flesh nor fowl; neither the one nor the other fish nor fowl; milk and water (Tracer)
Gruzovik neither one nor the other
idiom. neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring
inf. blandy (Fidelia); Swing and a miss (An idiom (related to baseball) that is typically used to describe a joke that was either unfunny, inappropriate or misunderstood pe4en4ik)
proverb neither fish nor flesh
перен. ни рыба, ни мясо
inf. buck-eighty (fa158)
ни рыба , ни мясо
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects