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gen. disregard; overlook; neglect (на кого-либо, что-либо); ignore; let things go hang; let things slide; take no notice of (на кого-либо, что-либо); shrug off; brush aside; make little of (на что-либо); make light of (на что-либо); sit back (be inactive or indifferent while something is happening; I won't sit back for that – Я этого так не оставлю, я это тебе не спущу Lu4ik); pay no attention; give the go-by (на что-либо, кого-либо Anglophile); play it cool (Anglophile); look the other way (Anglophile); think nothing of (на Anglophile); let be; make little account of; pass over; take no heed of; turn a deaf ear to; never mind; pay no mind (Юрий Гомон); let it pass (на что-то Ant493); pay no attention to (на что-либо boggler); rise above (This includes the racist chants that Kone has had to put up with from a handful of ignorant fans when playing. Kone describes it as ‘hurtful', but rises above such name-calling. VLZ_58); roll with (baletnica); pay no regard for (на кого-либо, что-либо); go by; put by; set aside; defy; not to care a chip; not to care a rush; not pay any mind (Юрий Гомон); just take no notice of them; let something pass; shrug something off; take no notice (на; of Andrey Truhachev); look past (Antonio); pay no regard to (на кого-либо, что-либо)
Игорь Миг tune out; let something slide
amer. pay someone no mind (на кого-либо: the analysts paid them no mind Val_Ships); do not pay someone any mind (на кого-либо; They didn't pay me any mind until after Rich and I performed live on stage. Val_Ships)
amer., inf. not to pay any mind
busin. let pass; pass by
fig. let go (Aly19)
idiom. snap one's fingers at (Joanne snapped her fingers at the rumor about their bankruptcy. Interex); turn a blind eye (Taras); Skate over (Tarija); not be on one's radar (It wasn't really on anybody's radar until that happened. ART Vancouver); give someone the silent treatment (VLZ_58)
idiom., explan. not bat an eyelid (When laptop computers first came out they were something of a novelty. These days, nobody bats an eyelid. Interex)
inf. see past (VLZ_58); slip away (на слова: but you let slip it away – но ты не обращал на слова внимания valery5)
Makarov. pay no regard for someone, something (на кого-либо, что-либо); pay no regard to someone, something (на кого-либо, что-либо); take matters easy; brush away; filter out; miss out (на кого-либо); take no heed; toss aside; turn a deaf ear (на)
slang ride a pony; shine someone on (на кого-либо VLZ_58); let it rip; shine it on (vogeler)
uncom. give a short shrift (От католического способа отпущения грехов во время исповеди после краткой епитимии – shrift- прочтения кающимся молитвы. shergilov)
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gen. never mind (sb., sth., на кого-л., на что-л.); take no note of it
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gen. take no notice of it/us etc. (Matrena)
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gen. it doesn't matter sixpence; forget it
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Игорь Миг let loose
inf. don't sweat it (take it easy Val_Ships); never mind! (ART Vancouver)
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gen. just hang loose!
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gen. regardless; unmindful (на – of)
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gen. get over it! (Taras)
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idiom. without regard to something/somebody (Vmosk)
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slang Blow on it! (exclam Interex)
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gen. undisturbed by (Гевар)
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Makarov. turn a blind eye to
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: 210 phrases in 18 subjects
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