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не дождётесьstresses
gen. I won't give you the satisfaction (emotional and fairly formal Yuri Tovbin); Dream on (Yuri Tovbin); I won't give you the pleasure (emotional and fairly formal Yuri Tovbin)
idiom. don't hold your breath (Рина Грант); that ain't gonna happen! (Рина Грант)
inf. in your dreams (Халеев); keep dreaming (Damirules); fat chance (Morgan looked offended. "What? I should have been trapped in the booth with that? Fat fucking chance," he said, waddling towards the door. Mosley Leigh)
polit. you won't see me doing something (You are all waiting for me to step down, but you won't see me doing that – хотите, чтоб я ушёл – не дождётесь (из выступления М. Прохорова) readerplus)
не дождёшься
gen. I don't think so (Zippity)
idiom. don't hold your breath (VLZ_58)
inf. keep dreaming (Damirules)
proverb when hell freezes over (когда ад замёрзнет; = when pigs fly Alexey)
не дождётесь!
inf. don't count on it! (Damirules)
ironic. you wish! (Ivan Pisarev)
не дождаться
gen. wait in vain (You wait in vain for them to say, just as you waited in vain for Ronald Reagan and George Bush to answer these questions. 4uzhoj)
не дождёшься!
inf. don't count on it! (Damirules)
не дождётесь
: 45 phrases in 9 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Humorous / Jocular2