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gen. talk nonsense; haver; twaddle; talk through one's hat; talk out of one's ass (4uzhoj); sound delusional (Morning93); talk out of one's arse (vogeler); talk out of one's hat (то же, что multitran.com agylshyn_oqy); be full of beans (Bartek2001); talk like a nut (Hey, stop talking like a nut. You don't know what you're saying – Прекрати нести чушь. Ты не понимаешь, что говоришь Taras); talk gibberish
Игорь Миг talk bollocks; shoot one's mouth off
amer. throw gibberish (Inna K.); jump the shark ("Enough with the lecture, dad! You're not just beating a dead horse, you're jumping the shark with your preaching." VLZ_58; Check here for the true meaning of "jump the shark" (which *isn't* нести чушь): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_the_shark Liv Bliss)
cliche. talk drivel ("I am not talking drivel.' 'Yes, you are." ART Vancouver)
contempt. spout nonsense (also spout *one's* nonsense: when you hear the anti-vaxxers spouting their nonsense ART Vancouver)
fig.of.sp. talk a rot (Interex)
inf. parp (nexus); drivel; talk out of one's hat (Vera S.); talk smack (Taras)
jarg., mil. snow
Makarov. speak bunkum; talk bunkum; talk cock; talk through one's neck; talk through the back of one's neck
pris.sl. talk out of the side of one's neck (VLZ_58)
rhetor. babble nonsense (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang ragtime; shoot the bull; sling the bull; throw the bull; woof; yackety-yak; yakitty-yak; wank (Eleanor Rigby); bluffing (Ksysenka); tripping (Ksysenka); shooting the breeze (Yeldar Azanbayev); rag; talk through one's hat
vulg. hand somebody that/that line of crap; hand somebody that/that line of shit; shoot the bull; talk like a man with a paper asshole; talk shit
Игорь Миг, inf. talk BS
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: 32 phrases in 9 subjects