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gen. not give a shit (4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, slang sneeze at (= начихать); not to care a damn (= начихать)
inf. neither here nor there (VLZ_58); not give a hoot (There's a whole bunch of people out there who don't give a hoot about rules and regulations, so they go out and party on the beach and leave a ton of garbage behind. -- которым начхать / наплевать ART Vancouver)
начхать особенно в контекстах too damn bad, too fucking bad v
inf. that's too bad ("It hurt my feelings!" – "Well, it's just too bad!" kriemhild)
начхать на + сущ. / .. (и)ли .. v
gen. not give a rip about+noun / if + verb (Баян)
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начхать v
jarg. начихать
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