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gen. get on well with (=быть в хороших отношениях, ладить Trident); get on (with ... – c ... Alex_Odeychuk); find common ground (Alexander Demidov); gel; come together (sever_korrespondent); see eye to eye with (Taras); keep on the right side (of sb – с кем-либо Ремедиос_П); have a way with (“Ah, well.” He shook his head philosophically. “Never had much of a way with children, I’m afraid." Abysslooker)
Игорь Миг get its act together
busin. get along with (с кем-либо Johnny Bravo); build understanding (Johnny Bravo); get along well (контекстный перевод translator911)
econ. reach common ground; see eye to eye
fig. find some common ground (Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. see eye to eye (идиома употребляется как правило с отрицанием – not to see eye to eye Баян); meet somebody on his own ground (VLZ_58)
inf. gel (stonedhamlet)
mil. find common language
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gen. engage with (кем-либо Marina Bondarenko)
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: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling1