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verb | verb | to phrases
настраиваться vstresses
gen. psych up (о человеке); acquire a disposition; build; construct (a quantity of); dispose oneself (to); make up mind; play pranks; reorient (на что-либо); reorientate (на что-либо); tune; play dirty tricks; focus on ("I'm going to go home tonight and enjoy everything we accomplished during the regular season," Brendan Gallagher said. "Tomorrow, we start focusing on the Rangers." VLZ_58); be set for (на что-либо Abysslooker); tune in (with на + acc., a program, station, etc.); feel disposed (with к or против, in a certain way toward or against); make up one’s mind to (with inf.); decide upon (with на + acc.); an inclination (to)
Gruzovik make up one's mind to (impf of настроиться); acquire an inclination to (impf of настроиться); acquire a disposition to (impf of настроиться); dispose oneself to (impf of настроиться)
astronaut. check in
avia. dial up; syntonize
el. tune in
fig., inf. make mischief
inf. build on; psych oneself up (на что то Andrey Truhachev); get psyched up (VLZ_58); get juiced (It's difficult when you're out of it to get juiced to play, " said Phoenix goaltender Brian Boucher, who made 37 saves. VLZ_58); work oneself up to something (I spent all morning working myself up to taking the driver's test. VLZ_58); get up for ("We were eliminated, so it was tough to get up for the game'' VLZ_58); get jacked up (VLZ_58); gear up (VLZ_58)
IT get customized
Makarov. adapt
Makarov., mus., radio be tuned
math. be tunable over
radio tune up
slang psych up
sport. gun for (на кого-либо; "At one point, the shots were 30-15 and we were taking it to them," Canadiens defenseman P.K. Subban said. "We have to realize that everybody's gunning for us and we're going to have to play a full 60 minutes to beat any team... – ...все настраиваются на игру против нас... (это – контекстуальный перевод.) VLZ_58)
tech. tune (на частоту)
настраивать v
gen. work somebody, oneself up (кого-то или себя Sonora); tune up (инструменты); tune up (радио или музыкальный инструмент); dispone; dispose; tune in (a radio); put someone in a certain mood; influence; build (a quantity of something); set against; adjust (a device); attune (музыкальный инструмент); tone (муз. инструмент); control; harmonize; indispose; revoice (орган); align (телевизор, радиоприёмник); indispose (против кого-либо, чего-либо); attemper (to); key up (муз. инструмент); put in tune (муз. инструмент); set up the expectation (кого-л на что-л.: The new bylaw sets up the expectation that service will be available in both English and French, which may not be the case. ART Vancouver); tweak (acebuddy); construct (a quantity of); tune (a musical instrument); bias; dial (приёмник, телевизор); string (музыкальный инструмент); stand up (Nrml Kss); instal; incline (внушать); orient; rectify (механизм, прибор)
Gruzovik construct a quantity of (impf of настроить)
astronaut. dial up (на)
auto. tune-up
automat. refine; rig; setup; tailor; make true; zoom factor
avia. dial up; align (напр., радиоаппаратуру)
busin. build
comp. customize
comp., MS fine tune (To manually edit and make adjustments to your photos); customize (To modify or assemble hardware or software to suit the needs or preferences of the user)
comp., net. configure
construct. rectify
dril. trim (прибор)
econ. tinker with (что-либо A.Rezvov)
el. dial (по (круговой) шкале); adjust (преим. одиночный параметр или элемент); align (взаимо действие цепей и устройств)
electr.eng. line up
fig. dispose (to); incline (to); instigate
fig., inf. make mischief; play pranks; play dirty tricks
Gruzovik, fig. incite (impf of настроить); instigate (impf of настроить); dispose to (impf of настроить); incline to (impf of настроить); make mischief (impf of настроить); play dirty tricks (impf of настроить); play pranks (impf of настроить)
Gruzovik, inf. set right (impf of настроить); put in proper order (impf of настроить); build on (impf of настроить)
inf. build on; put in order; set right; fire up (VLZ_58)
IT true up; adapt (напр., типовой программный модуль); fix; retrofit; relocate (на определённое положение в памяти)
Makarov. relocate (на определенное положение в памяти); relocate (по месту); fine up; install; settle; indoctrinate against (кого-либо); tone to (музыкальный инструмент); fine-tune (мехинизм и т. п.); tune in (радиоприёмник и т. п.)
Makarov., mus. key up (гитару, скрипку и т. п.); tune up (об оркестре)
mech.eng., obs. tool (станок)
media. adjust; attune; syntonize (в резонанс); tune
mus. string (инструмент); accord; voice (орган); pitch (муз. инструмент); tone (музыкальный инструмент); key
nautic. string; regulate
navig. kay
O&G tune up
obs. entune
phys. adjust to (на ...); tune to
polygr. justify
progr. interface (ssn); personalize (ssn)
radio syntonize (в тон, на волну); tune in
SAP.tech. make setting
slang tune up (Paul tuned up his guitar. == Пол настроил гитару.)
tech. syntonize; align; relocate; set; set up; tool; tweak the knob (Taras)
uncom. aline (телевизор, радиоприёмник)
water.res. adapt
"настраивать" v
radioloc. relocate
: 227 phrases in 40 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Automated equipment6
Computer games1
Information technology4
Mass media6
Mechanic engineering1
SAP tech.1
Scuba diving1
Security systems1
Sound engineering1