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gen. properly speaking; essentially (вводное сочетание Abysslooker)
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gen. call things by their true names; call a pikestaff a pikestaff; make no bones about something (Anglophile); call it like it is (beserg); not mince words (Tanya Gesse); call it like I see it (Tanya Gesse); call things by their proper names (Stas-Soleil); call things for what they are (Your pretense may well be indulged in the cozy clubs in London, but where I'm from, we call things for what they are. 4uzhoj); call it straight (Ремедиос_П)
Gruzovik call a spade a spade
amer. call it the way + subject + see it (He calls it the way he sees it. – Он называет вещи своими именами. ART Vancouver)
idiom. call a cat a cat (Drozdova); call bread bread, and wine wine (Drozdova); tell it like it is (Ranoulph); call things as they are (Andrey Truhachev); call them as one sees them (4uzhoj); call it as one sees it (также call them as one sees them 4uzhoj)
Makarov. it is better to speak plainly; be quite blunt; call things by their right names
Makarov., proverb call a spade a spade (букв.: лопату называть лопатой)
proverb call things by their proper names; call a spade a spade (дословно: Лопату называть лопатой)
vulg. call the spade a bloody shovel (от call a spade a spade с тем же значением)
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: 12 phrases in 3 subjects