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мотивированное решениеstresses
gen. substantiated decision (ABelonogov); well-founded decision (Any well-founded decision about precautionary measures will also require some knowledge about the effectiveness of the precautionary measures that are to be ... The cabinet has not made robust, transparent and well founded decision based on best practices or complete knowledge of facts. Alexander Demidov); solid decision (Dershowitz said, "Look, this is not a solid decision. This is a decision that looks like it's based more on policy than on constitutionality. Alexander Demidov); rational decision (OCD Alexander Demidov); decision and the reasons for it (С мотивированным решением в письменной форме правление должно ознакомить заявителя в недельный срок с момента его принятия = The board must write to the applicant informing him of its decision and the reasons for it within a week of making it. The Panel will write to the parents informing them of its decision and the reasons for it, normally within seven School working days of the hearing. decide whether or not to revoke the licence within one month of the end of that period; and. • notify you of its decision within a week of making it. | Should assistance be refused, the decision and the reasons for it must be notified immediately to the requesting authority. Alexander Demidov)
law motivated decision; reasoned decision
мотивированное решение
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects