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мораль и нравственностьstresses
gen. morality and ethics (public morality and private ethics triumfov); ethics and morality (more UK hits – АД); moral and ethical standards (Alexander Demidov); ethics and morals (Many people use Morals and Ethics interchangeably and for good reason; if you look up the definition of morals it will reference ethics in a somewhat circular definition, same goes if you look up ethics. I will make an important distinction. Ethics represents innate knowledge of right/wrong distinctions. Ethics transcends culture, religion, and time. Morals are culturally and religiously based distinctions of right/wrong. The sphere of morality does overlap the sphere of ethics which makes distinctions between the two difficult. Morality claims knowledge of ethics but it does so through culturally based assertions, namely through religion. It is for this reason, morality has a religious connotation. Both terms denote a knowledge of right and wrong actions but the foundations of that knowledge are divergent. ethicsdefined.org Alexander Demidov); morals and mores (Morals refers to how we SHOULD act and Mores (from Latin, the plural of Mos meaning custom) refers to how a society actually DOES act. Our Mores usually fall short of our Morals. For example, we SHOULD study the Catechism. Among MANY Catholic men, the Mores by which they actually live says, "Real men don't do that; that's for women", or, "I don't see any other men doing that; if I do it other men will think me odd". google.com Alexander Demidov); ethics and morality (more UK hits. Generally, the terms ethics and morality are used interchangeably, although a few different communities (academic, legal, or religious, for example) will occasionally make a distinction. In fact, Britannica’s article on ethics considers the terms to be the same as moral philosophy. While understanding that most ethicists (that is, philosophers who study ethics) consider the terms interchangeable, let’s go ahead and dive into these distinctions. britannica.com Alexander Demidov)
мораль и нравственность
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects