
   Russian English
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gen. one can; one may; it is possible; you can; it's fine; it's OK
| производить
math. performing
| отсыпку насыпей
 отсыпка насыпей
railw. blading fill materials
| с уклоном
 с уклоном
gen. atilt
| менее
gen. less than
1 10 | непосредственно
gen. immediately
| на
gen. on
| естественную поверхность
 естественная поверхность
tech. original ground
- only individual words found

adverb | | to phrases
можно adv.stresses
adv. permissibly (Ying)
gen. one can; one may; it is possible + infinitive; you can (You can buy it online or you can get it at your local drugstore. ART Vancouver); it's fine (+ infinitive: If you are willing to change the nectar more often, it is fine to hang the feeder in the sun. ART Vancouver); it's OK (to + infinitive // example provided by ART Vancouver: I wonder how many treats it's OK to give a six-month-old puppy?); be allowed to do (делать что-либо. like "my mom said that i was allowed to go out' – 'мама сказала, что мне можно гулять" chiefcanelo); it will be + III форма глагола; you have my permission (можешь/можете VLZ_58); acceptable (Coffee keeps me busy until it's acceptable to drink whiskey SirReal); be possible (There are several small ocean-front parks where camping is possible. – можно поставить палатку. ART Vancouver); be fine (to + infinitive || example provided by ART Vancouver: Some foods in our kitchen are fine to feed to birds, while others could actually be doing them more harm than good.); can; it is permitted; may
Gruzovik it is permissible
cliche. might as well (без особого энтузиазма: 'Want to stop for a coffee?' 'Might as well.' ART Vancouver)
food.ind. may have to be (may have to be presoaked – желательно (можно) замочить Антон Ницецкий)
inf. if you will (=if you like: And you may call me John, if you will. – И да, можно просто "Джон". 4uzhoj)
scient. it is possible to pr (it is possible to propose a number of systems... – можно предложить ряд систем...)
можно производить отсыпку насыпей с уклоном менее 1 :10 непосредственно на естественную поверхность
: 1 phrase in 1 subject