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gen. small fish (Oleksandr Spirin); small fry (He may be the big man back home, but he's a small fry here. • He claimed that 95 per cent of the force was corrupt and said he was only 'a small fry compared with what my fellow officers were taking. • He is only a small fry, there's no need to bother with him. • The prosecution did not go after the alleged big operator behind the crime, instead targeting a small fry while allowing the big sharks to escape.); cog; sprat; underling; spear carrier; small beer; small deer; pipsqueak (Anglophile); small potatoes (Anglophile); minnow (T.Arens); pip-squeak (Anglophile); minion; pipsqueak
Игорь Миг bit player; stooge
amer. a bottom man on the totem pole (Anglophile); scrub (Taras); low-level guy (в какой-л. (крим.) организации, тюрьме и т. д. Taras)
austral., slang bodgie; bodgy
contempt. understrapper; whippersnapper (Artjaazz)
fig. tiny player (Abysslooker)
idiom. small-timer (shergilov)
inf. small-time crook (Abysslooker); bottom-feeder (- Do you know either of the assailants? – No. Why would we? – Well, they're former navy petty officers, dishonorably discharged. They're just a couple bottom-feeders probably looking to make a quick score off a person of note Taras); desk jockey (Taras)
Makarov. cog in a machine
proverb a cog in the wheel
slang schmendrick (Artjaazz)
vulg. ass-worm; hunk of crap; little shit; sparrow fart
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: 2 phrases in 2 subjects