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между прочимstresses
gen. though (русс. перевод предложен пользователем Amor 71 Alex_Odeychuk); fleetingly (Sergei Aprelikov); tangentially; casually; incidently (1: so as to be incident; 2: INCIDENTALLY merriam-webster.com); on a related note (Miha4406); by the way; incidentally; among other things; passingly; by the by; as it happens (We've got a room vacant, as it happens george serebryakov); by the bye; I'll have you know (I'm a black belt I'll have you know Andrew Goff); while I think of it (В.И.Макаров); as an aside (Zen1); come to think of it (Bullfinch); at odd moments; at odd times; between this and that
amer., inf. by the way (указывает, что говорящий собирается добавить что-то ещё)
fr. en passant
inf. just for the record (regarding an observation: Just for the record, your pants are unzipped. q3mi4); you know (Pickman)
lat. inter alia (kee46); obiter
Makarov. parenthetically; this is by way of digression
math. in passing
media. amongst other things
uncom., context. speaking of which (SirReal)
"между прочим"
el. by the way
между прочим
: 22 phrases in 6 subjects