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малая толикаstresses
gen. one ounce of (If our premier had one ounce of decency in him, he would do the honorable thing and resign. ART Vancouver); a few (тоЛИка MichaelBurov); touch of (тоЛИка MichaelBurov); tiny bit of (тоЛИка MichaelBurov); small portion (triumfov); shred; soupcon (rompey); some; just a small fraction (triumfov); driblet (Lavrov); a little (тоЛИка MichaelBurov); degree (Сынковский)
amer. whit (Val_Ships)
fig.of.sp. a little bit (Leonid Dzhepko); a small quantity (Leonid Dzhepko); a little something (Leonid Dzhepko); a modest sum (Leonid Dzhepko); a little (напр.: отложить малую толику на черный день – lay a little something for a rainy day Leonid Dzhepko)
formal modicum (grafleonov)
Gruzovik, inf. some
малую толику
gen. a little; tiny bit
obs. touch (george serebryakov)
малая толика
: 5 phrases in 1 subject