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gen. nestle; cotton up; adhere; stick
inf. be attracted; have a weakness; make up; try to get in
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gen. unselfish
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льнуть vstresses
gen. nestle; cotton up; adhere (to); stick (to); cling (to)
Gruzovik stick to (impf of прильнуть); adhere to (impf of прильнуть); snuggle up to (impf of прильнуть)
fig. feel drawn toward; play up to; cultivate
Gruzovik, inf. have a weakness for; be attracted to; make up to; try to get in with
inf. be attracted (to); have a weakness (for); make up (to); try to get in (with)
Makarov. cling to; hang about (к кому-либо, чему-либо); hang around (к кому-либо, чему-либо); hang round (к кому-либо, чему-либо)
to льнуть v
inf. cotton up
льнуть, беззаветно следовать за
: 1 phrase in 1 subject