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ложечный бурstresses
construct. soil auger; dowel bit; dredging bit (для сыпучих грунтов); duck's-bill bit; gauge auger; hollow bit; mud bit; shell bit; pesthole digger
geol. post-hole borer
mil., tech. sampling spoon; shell auger
mining. miser
nat.res. spoon auger
O&G auger; blade auger; gouge bit
oil auger drill; feed-in auger; gage auger; pod bit; quill bit; spoon bit; spoon
product. pod auger (Yeldar Azanbayev)
road.wrk. post hole borer; post hole digger; gauge anger
tech. gouge auger; post-hole auger
transp. auger bit
ложечный земляной бур
mil., tech. split-spoon
ложечным буром
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil and gas1