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ловкач nstresses
gen. trickster; sly dog; manoeuvrer; prestidigitator; smoothy; acrobat; contortionist; coon; dodger; shifter; shunter; tod; wheeler-dealer; artful dodger; shrewd operator; smart cookie; smooth apple; wide fellow; smoothie; smart cooky; wire-puller (Anglophile); slick operator (Anglophile); crafty bugger (Anglophile); yentzer (schnuller); chancer (joyand); corner cutter; wheeler dealer; trepan (Taras); file; sooner; shrewdy; tricky person (Secretary); cunning dog
Игорь Миг timeserver; opportunist; turncoat; temporizer; canny soul; grifter
adv. con man
amer., slang wheeler and dealer
austral., inf. shrewdie
inf. corner-cutter; dodgy person (Andrey Truhachev); go-getter (Andrey Truhachev); operator; cheeky bastard (Andrey Truhachev); cheeky fellow (Andrey Truhachev); cheeky person (Andrey Truhachev); cheeky devil (Andrey Truhachev); clever fellow
Makarov. slick article; smart article
slang cutie; scrounder; whiz-bang; clip; keener; neat; whiz; whizz; cutey; smooth operator (grafleonov); slick (Northman89)
vulg. bright bastard
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects