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лакомиться vstresses
gen. relish; banquet (on, upon; чем-либо); enjoy; treat oneself (to); feast on (gameoverf); banquet on (чем-л.); banquet upon (чем-л.); feast (with instr., on); munch (о животных: Allen shared an intriguing client story regarding wildlife communication. A farmer called her to complain that gophers were eating all her organic food, and she wanted Allen to get them to stop doing that. Allen zeroed in on a gopher, and the creature revealed that it was deer that were munching the farmer's food not them. The farmer admitted that there were deer tracks in the area. -- что это олени лакомились овощами, а не они coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik treat oneself to (impf of полакомиться)
inf. eat with relish (Andrey Truhachev); nibble (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. make a feast of (чем-либо); banquet on (чем-либо); banquet upon (чем-либо)
лакомить v
Gruzovik, obs. treat to; regale with (impf of полакомить)
inf. regale (with); treat (to)
: 3 phrases in 1 subject