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к тому жеstresses
gen. to boot (It rained every day in June and it was cold and windy to boot. • The job didn't work out in New Jersey, and it paid little money to boot ART Vancouver); on top of that (MargeWebley); to make matters worse (MargeWebley); in part (Min$draV); in the bargain (yevgenijob); on top of it (vogeler); over & above; over and above; in addition to; in addition; by this; by and atour (makhno); more by token; make it worse; then and there; as well as this (beserg); to boot (КГА); ..., which aggravates the situation (Анна Ф); after all (Vadim Rouminsky); then again (только в контексте 4uzhoj); by this that token; in as a matter of, in point of fact; more; furthermore; again; then (I love my job and then it pays so well – я люблю свою работу, к тому же, она хорошо оплачивается); further; item; therewithal; worse luck; farther; thereto; thereunto; agen; farthermore (см. furthermore chilin); there and then; added to everything else; too (won't you come too? – не придёте ли и вы?); I should say (соответствие сугубо стилистическое; англ. выражение ставится в конце фразы 4uzhoj); therewith; then (I love my job and then it pays so well – я люблю свою работу, к тому же, она хорошо оплачивается; and then you should remember – кроме того, вам следует помнить); for good measure (He performed his most recent songs, and then threw in a couple of old ones for good measure vogeler); for that matter (Taras); on another account; beside; besides; from another cause; either (Употреблять только после глаголов с отрицательным значением.: It was a nice party, and it wasn’t boring either. cambridge.ua TranslationHelp); top it off (MichaelBurov); additionally (Stas-Soleil)
Gruzovik and besides
Игорь Миг on top of all of this; on top of all; on the top of that; just as important
brit. whilst (контекстуально olga garkovik)
busin. in addition to (smth)
idiom. into the bargain; no less (в некоторых контекстах Баян)
inf. plus
Makarov. in fact; not in word; by this token; as a matter of fact; as well; at that; by that token; in point of fact; what is more; also; incidentally
math. moreover
obs. to the bargain (Bobrovska); eke; withal
relig. ad idem
scient. alternatively
slang what's more
к тому же
: 133 phrases in 23 subjects
Aviation medicine1
Bookish / literary4
Contextual meaning1
Electrical engineering1
Mass media5
Mechanic engineering1