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кунья акулаstresses
gen. tope
austral. jaqueta (Mustelus mustelus)
biol. gummy (a small crustacean-eating shark, Mustelus antarcticus, with bony ridges resembling gums in its mouth wikipedia.org); smooth dogfish (Mustelus); smooth hound (Mustelus)
fish.farm. smooth hound shark (Mustelus mustelus dimock)
food.ind. gummy shark
ichtyol. tope (Mustelus mustelus); smooth dogfish (Mustelus mustelus)
mar.law smooth dogfish
zool. tope (Mustelus)
куньи акулы
biol. hound shark (Triakidae); smooth-hound (Triakidae); tope (Triakidae); whiskery shark (Triakidae)
ichtyol. hound sharks (Triakidae); smooth-hounds (Triakidae); topes (Triakidae); whiskery sharks (Triakidae); houndsharks (Triakidae); smoothhounds (Triakidae)
кунья акула
: 62 phrases in 4 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture4