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gen. designer; draftsman; mechanician; erector set; meccano; engineer
| автоматического стрелкового оружия
 автоматическое стрелковое оружие
mil. automatic small arms
| генерал-лейтенант
mil. U.S Army equivalent: Major General
| инженерно-технической службы
 инженерно-техническая служба
mil. Engineering and Technical Service
| Герой Труда
 герой труда
law hero of labour
| Автор
gen. author
| первого
gen. first
| русского
gen. Russian
| сочинения
gen. composition
| по
gen. unto
| автоматическому оружию
 автоматическое оружие
mil. automatics
| Создал
gen. create
| автомат
gen. automation
- only individual words found

to phrases
конструктор nstresses
gen. designer; draftsman; mechanician; erector set (детская настольная игра); meccano (для детей); engineer; educational kit (linkin64); Meccano set (сборная игрушка Alexander Demidov); construction kits (для детей zarabest); connects (конструктор на подобие ЛЕГО go_bro); constructor; construction set (детская игра wikipedia.org Denis Lebedev); construction toy (детская игра wikipedia.org Denis Lebedev); design wizard (The Report Design Wizard generates the functions required by the report. The Pentaho Report Design Wizard is capable of producing moderately complex reports that meet most expectations. | RFS System Design Wizard: RF design in the 21st century. The RFS System Design Wizard–a powerful software tool that streamlines the design of base station, microwave and in-building RF systems–is set to revolutionize the RF design process. Alexander Demidov); Legos (If you have Legos at home, challenge your second grader to build a structure with only Legos that have 2 rows, with 4 bumps in each row, or ... – by Elizabeth Ross Tamerlane); set of tools (для создания сайта и т.д. hellamarama); building toy (развивающая игра Рина Грант); building toy set (развивающая игра Рина Грант); building set (развивающая игра Рина Грант)
Gruzovik building set for children
automat. product engineer
busin. draughtsman
comp. implementer; implementor
comp., MS Design view (A window that shows a visual representation of a document on the artboard); Designer (The portion of InfoPath used to design forms); constructor (A special initialization function that is called automatically whenever an instance of a class is declared. This function prevents errors that result from the use of uninitialized objects. The constructor must have the same name as the class itself and must not return a value); designer (A visual design surface)
construct. structural designer (Karonera)
econ. developer
ed. building toy
IT kit; design view (в Access); design engineer
Makarov. erector (детская настольная игра); implementator
media. constructor (язык Ада)
mil., avia. design specialist
mil., tech. developer (новых технических средств); fabricator
nautic. naval architect (проекта корабля)
progr. creator (ssn); design tool (англ. термин взят из кн.: De Sanctis V. ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Alex_Odeychuk); constructor method (англ. термин взят из кн.: De Sanctis V. ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Alex_Odeychuk); ctor (распространённая аббревиатура к слову "constructor" BorisSPb)
qual.cont. builder
sociol. structural engineer
tech. implementer (реализующий проектный замысел); design kit (Евгений Тамарченко)
telecom. construction kit (oleg.vigodsky)
uncom. millwright
конструкторы n
automat. construction people; design personnel
avia. structural community
progr. constructors (классов ssn); creators (ssn)
tech. design management (собирательное whitehall)
конструктор Windows Forms n
comp., MS Windows Forms Designer (A tool that enables the rapid development of Windows-based applications. It allows you to add controls to a form, arrange them, and write code for their events)
конструктор Array n
progr. Array constructor (ssn)
Конструктор n
comp., MS Design view (A window that shows the design of these database objects – tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Design view, you can create new database objects and modify the design of existing ones)
конструктор Date n
progr. Date constructor (ssn)
конструктор автоматического
: 1 phrase in 1 subject