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gen. flaunt (Taras); lead trumps; play a trump; sport (хвастаться Abysslooker); splurge (Taras); ruff (в картах); touch the hand to the hat (кому́-л.); touch one's hand to the hat (кому́-л.)
Игорь Миг brag
cards trump; ruff
fig. play trump card
Gruzovik, cards lead trumps; play a trump
Gruzovik, fig. play one's trump card
Gruzovik, inf. salute; show off
inf. flaunt (with instr.)
Makarov. play a trump
mil., inf. snap a salute (=отдавать честь 4uzhoj); give a snappy salute ("For now, just ride herd on the squad, and make sure things get done." "At your orders, sir." Kuijpers gives a snappy salute and turns away. 4uzhoj)
Игорь Миг, inf. strut around
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Card games2