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как гром среди ясного небаstresses
gen. be a thunderbolt from a clear sky; like a thunderbolt out of a clear from nowhere; like a jack in the box (to appear suddenly Val_Ships); out of a clear sky; out of thin air; bolt from the blue (xmoffx); like a thunder-stone from (out of) a clear sky (from nowhere); thunderbolt; out of the blue; like a thunderbolt from a clear sky; all of a sudden (triumfov); come like a thunderbolt from a clear sky; as a bolt from the blue (Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг bolt-from-the-blue
idiom. rude awakening (z484z); like a bolt out of the blue (it means that it was sudden and totally unexpected Val_Ships); just out of the blue (Just out of the blue, the birth mother asked to see her again. Alexsword92)
inf. as a bombshell (an overwhelming surprise: the news came as a bombshell Val_Ships)
product. of clear sky (Yeldar Azanbayev)
proverb like the bolt from the blue
slang right out of the blue
как гром среди ясного неба
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects