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gen. probably; as one can see (TarasZ); as can be seen (in the image -- на фотографии: The intriguing image was captured this past Sunday by a chartered vessel captained by Scott Thurber. Sharing the fantastic photo on Facebook, he marveled that "we had the pleasure of seeing this image appear on our Garmin Eco Map UHD this afternoon while fishing lake trout," which he indicated were "on the bottom of the screen as this Champy image cruises above." As can be seen in the image, the sonar return appears to show a creature with a sizeable body, a set of fins, a long neck, and a possible tail. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik apparently; it seems
Игорь Миг in all likelihood
law semble (that; сравните с sembler (= to seem/appear [to be]) во франц.: Ce résultat me semble juste. This result seems fair to me. Alex Lilo)
Makarov. as seen
math. as is obvious; as is seen from; as we can see
relig. as is evident
как видно
: 53 phrases in 10 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Oil / petroleum2