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какашка nstresses
gen. poop (Anya Zaitseva); turd (Ugh, there are turds in the toilet that haven't been flushed away.)
child. doodie (Olga Dulneva); doody (Franka_LV); caca (Franka_LV); poopie (Franka_LV); poozie (Franka_LV); doodoo (Franka_LV); dootie (ATet); doo doo ball (см. doo doo alexamel); doo doo (alexamel); poopy (ehpc)
inf. piece of fecal matter; melty (Elementary); dookie (Taras)
slang dooty (испражнения, оставленные в людном месте Fifis); floater (плавающая в унитазе: You left a floater in his toilet? That is the most pathetic clapback that I have ever seen Taras)
vulg. deuce (sissoko)
"какашка" n
fig. turd (о человеке: "Don't be a turd," Freddi says.)
какашки n
child. poo-poo (Юрий Гомон)
inf. cow pancakes (Franka_LV); road apples (Franka_LV); cow chips (Franka_LV); poo (Юрий Гомон); horse droppings (Franka_LV)
slang poop; do (VLZ_58)
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects