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verb | verb | to phrases
истрёпываться vstresses
Gruzovik, fig. be played out (impf of истрепаться); wear oneself out (impf of истрепаться); wear oneself to a shadow (impf of истрепаться)
Gruzovik, inf. get worn out (impf of истрепаться); become tattered (impf of истрепаться)
inf. be worn out; tear; wear to rags; fray
inf., fig. weary; fatigue; exhaust; wear out
Makarov. wear thin
истрёпывать v
fig. wear down
Gruzovik, fig. fatigue (impf of истрепать); exhaust (impf of истрепать); wear out (impf of истрепать); weary (impf of истрепать)
Gruzovik, inf. fray (impf of истрепать); tear (impf of истрепать); wear to rags (impf of истрепать)
inf. become tattered (impf of истрепаться); get worn out (impf of истрепаться)
inf., fig. wear oneself out (impf of истрепаться); wear oneself to a shadow (impf of истрепаться)
Makarov. wear away; wear out
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects