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verb | verb | to phrases
истирать vstresses
gen. use up by rubbing; shred; wear away (a surface); wear out (clothes or furniture); wear down (an eraser); use up (by rubbing); abrade; attrite
auto. wear away (impf of истереться)
automat. fade (гл. ssn)
avia. deteriorate; gall
construct. obliterate
dril. grind
leath. buff away
Makarov. chafe; grate; pulverize; wear down; wear off; crush
mil., arm.veh. seize
nautic. abrase
obs. become effaced (impf of истереться); become obliterated (impf of истереться)
pack. rub (off); cause friction; rub through
polym. masticate; rub
qual.cont. wear off (impf of истереться)
tech. scuff; fray; fret; wear away; wear out; wear; erode
therm.eng. scour
истираться v
gen. pulverize; crush; grate; grind; use up (by rubbing); wear away (by rubbing); scuff; be worn out
Gruzovik abrade by rubbing (impf of истереться); wear off by rubbing (impf of истереться); wear away by rubbing (impf of истереться)
auto. wear away
automat. fade (гл. ssn)
construct. abrade
dril. deteriorate
Gruzovik, obs. become obliterated (impf of истереться); become effaced (impf of истереться)
leath. buff away
Makarov. fray (напр., о мебельной ткани); fret; rub
mining. chafe (о кабеле или шланге)
nautic. abrase
obs. be effaced
pack. wear (away)
polym. chafe
qual.cont. wear off; wear out
tech. fray; wear; erode
therm.eng. wear down
истирающийся prtc.
nautic. abrading; abrasing
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects
Armored vehicles1