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gen. jump; alter; become distorted; blemish; deform; distort
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progr. conventional meaning
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obs. alphabetic character С

verb | verb | to phrases
исказить vstresses
gen. distort; colour; corrupt; deprave; mutilate; angle; contort; debauch; deface; defeature; deform; draw; falsify; garble; mangle; mar; misrepresent; slant; tamper; skew; writhe (лицо); blemish
Gruzovik bastardize; distort; pervert (pf of искажать); twist (pf of искажать); vitiate (pf of искажать)
Игорь Миг gloss over
archit. disfigure
fig. taint (версию происшедшего: "I'm not a cop but I would imagine that in most cases, if you hold a knife to a baby's throat and refuse to drop the knife, something bad might happen." "Hush up now. Don’t let facts get in the way of a great story. It is good to see that Battered Women Support Services has concluded the investigation into this police shooting and in record time. No need for expensive forensic analysis and time wasting interviews with witnesses as that might taint the narrative." (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, commun. garble (signals)
math. alter; mispresent
patents. pervert
scient. alleet (MichaelBurov)
исказиться v
gen. jump; alter; blemish; deform; distort; misrepresent; vitiate; twist; pervert; get
Gruzovik become distorted (pf of искажаться); get distorted (pf of искажаться)
: 59 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1