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индивидуальный предпринимательstresses
частный предприниматель; не путать с самозанятое лицо
amer. sole proprietorship (Alexander Demidov)
brit. sole proprietor (Oleg Sollogub); sole trader (LadaP)
busin. self-employed
calque. individual entrepreneur; self-employed entrepreneur (в российских юр. документах – АД Lavrov); private entrepreneur (one who manages a private start-up company, one who oversees a private business initiative (Babylon) Alexander Demidov)
law individual undertaker (merriam-webster.com vleonilh)
news self-employed businessman (рек. для неспециализированного перевода, где "нормальный", понятный язык важнее терминологической точности Евгений Тамарченко); sole entrepreneur ("Today we have corporate accelerators, high-growth companies, as well as traditional sole entrepreneurs and startups moving into co-working," said Morgan. "So we don't view it as oversupplied by any means." Tamerlane); solo entrepreneur (Е. Тамарченко, 09.10.2019 Евгений Тамарченко)
индивидуальные предприниматели
gen. sole proprietorships (AD Alexander Demidov); sole proprietors (sole proprietor: An individual who runs an unincorporated business on his or her own. Generally, a sole proprietor of a business is known as a sole trader and a sole proprietor of a professional practice, such as an accountant or solicitor, as a sole practitioner. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
 Russian thesaurus
индивидуальный предприниматель
abbr. ИП
индивидуальный предприниматель
: 66 phrases in 13 subjects
British usage, not spelling2
Economic law1
Labor law2
United Kingdom2
United States1