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to phrases
иметь в видуstresses
gen. mind (sb., sth., кого-л., что-л.); remember (Remember, we're not dealing with real science. Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что мы не работаем с точной наукой. suburbian); design; propose to one's self; mean; intend; bear in mind; keep in mind; aim at; aim; contemplate; have in mind; come from (I know where you're coming from – Я понимаю, что вы имеете в виду. Alexander Akopov); bear in view; imply (Marta Kohler); think of; plan; drive; refer (что-либо sever_korrespondent); be cognizant of (SirReal); be aware of (Bauirjan); be mindful (of something – что-либо Юрий Гомон); think with (напр., think with graphs: имей в виду графики MariaDroujkova); be on about (mean, intend 4uzhoj)
Игорь Миг take heed; get at
busin. have smth in mind; refer to; to be informed (обычно в императиве Bedrin); be aware (Bauirjan)
context. talk about (что-либо, кого-либо linton)
dipl. have in mind that (bigmaxus)
econ. mean to imply (A.Rezvov)
formal be conscious of (You should really be conscious of the fact that all purchases there are non-refundable. – Вам следует иметь в виду, что ... ART Vancouver)
idiom. keep an eye out (в ответ на просьбу найти пропажу: "Hello, my ex wife lost her wallet and keys after she forgot them on the roof of her car as she was leaving Kensington Plaza on April 29 around 11:30am. She left the parking lot turning left onto Kensington Avenue and headed south. I figure they fell off her car before she got to the bottom of the hill going down Kensington Avenue. If someone found them or maybe knows someone that does, please DM me on here. It would be a grey-ish wallet with elephants on it, and a remote key entry for a Honda Civic. Thank you." "Will keep an eye out!" -- Буду иметь в виду! (Reddit) ART Vancouver); drive at (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. know (please know – имей в виду q3mi4); keep in the hopper (q3mi4)
Makarov. understand; bear in mind (не забывать); get at; have in mean; have in view; understand by (под чем-либо); mean (meant; подразумевать)
Makarov., inf. get
math. think; have in view (to keep in); keep in view
patents. purport
proverb mean (кого, что; to do something)
имея в виду
gen. with the purpose of; having in mind (tfennell); with a view to (Alex_Odeychuk); in preparation for; with the view of; with an eye toward (with the intended goal of; for the purpose of КГА); in the light of (MichaelBurov); in light of (MichaelBurov); in terms of (См. пример в статье "если иметь в виду". I. Havkin); in reference to (в значении подразумевая markovka)
formal referring to ("MEC itself has some tough work ahead to rebuild the brand and get back to profitability, or a surplus," Gray adds, referring to the co-op's $11.5-million loss on sales of $462 million in its most recent fiscal year. (BC Business Magazine) ART Vancouver)
math. noting; keeping in mind; bearing in mind
имей в виду
gen. a word in your ear (употребляется перед тем, как предупретить кого-л о чём-л или дать совет mosq)
amer. mind (when used in the imperative; Mind now, I want you home by twelve. Val_Ships)
inf. be advised (vandaniel); so you know (square_25)
иметь что-л. в виду
gen. bear sth. in mind; drive at; take note of (sth.)
иметься в виду
gen. mean
Gruzovik be meant; be intended
имеется в виду
law it is intended (Иван Морозов)
math. we have in mind; we mean
иметь что-либо в виду
gen. keep in view
имей в виду, что
gen. keep in mind (keep in mind that... Баян)
имейте в виду
gen. be warned (April May)
иметь кого-л. в виду
busin. have someone in mind
имел в виду
: 266 phrases in 27 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Cliche / convention3
Printed circuit boards1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Research and development1
Short message service1