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to phrases
из этого следует, чтоstresses
gen. the implication is that; it follows from (Johnny Bravo); it would follow that
Игорь Миг thus; consequently
dipl. hence, it follows that (bigmaxus)
inf. off the back of this (plushkina)
math. it follows from ... that
nucl.pow. from this it follows that
progr. it follows, that (ssn)
из этого следует, что...
gen. from this it follows that
из этого и т.д., с очевидностью следует, что...
gen. from this from this fact, from the abovesaid, etc. it will be easily seen that...; from this from this fact, from the abovesaid, etc. it can be easily seen that...
из этого следует, что
: 17 phrases in 5 subjects
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