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gen. overextend oneself; do damned; lay oneself out; bend over backwards (Bullfinch); turn oneself inside out (Anglophile); go to all lengths (Anglophile); do the utmost (Anglophile); go out of the way (jane-red); go all-out; go out of one's way to (triumfov); go to great length
Игорь Миг be at pains; be overeager to; be desperate to; overreach oneself; take great pains; pull out all the stops
Gruzovik, fig. do one's damnedest; go to great lengths
idiom. work one's fingers to the bone (Slavik_K); beat one's brains out (I've been beating my brains out trying to get a passing grade this semester. • Don't beat your brains out trying to please these people – they'll never appreciate it. • Why should I beat my brains out for a corporation that knows me only by a number – takes my life in, chews it up and spits it out. 4uzhoj); try hard (Abysslooker); fall over oneself (Governments were falling over each other to win these valuable contracts • The idiots were all falling over themselves to buy his second-hand cars Taras); be falling over oneself (Taras)
inf. desperately try (4uzhoj); get all bunged up (Enrica); wear fingers to the bone (dkozyr); do one's worst (Buddy89); go to pains (kislitsa); by all out (лезть из кожи вон gennady shevchenko); bust one's ass (сильно стараться: I busted my ass trying to get just the thing you wanted vogeler)
Makarov. fall all over oneself; go all out; do worst; do one's utmost
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: 100 phrase in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech1
Quotes and aphorisms1