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gen. abound (the museum abounds with old pictures – в музее множество старых картин); teem (чем-л.); bristle; be replete with; overabound; be in abundance; swim (with Notburga); swarm (чем-либо – with); redund (The world around us redunds with opportunities, explodes with opportunities costansin); riddle; abound with; drip with (Дмитрий_Р); run rife (A.Rezvov); be in abundance; be replete with; be fraught with (чем-либо: The history of AI is fraught with myths, stories... sas_proz); overflow; be abundant with (чем-л.); be abundant in (чем-л.); redound
Gruzovik be rich in
Игорь Миг teem with (чем-либо)
fish.farm. teem with (dimock); be rich in (dimock)
idiom. bustle with (To teem with. Interex)
inf. roll in
Makarov. abound in; be replete with something (чем-либо); bristle with; be abundant
math. abound (in, with)
obs. flow (with); flow with; abound; exundate
tech. be rich
uncom. exuberate
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Игорь Миг is replete with
: 115 phrases in 4 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture2