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verb | verb | to phrases
злиться vstresses
gen. exacerbate; be angry at (на что-либо); be in a nasty mood; be in a temper; be ticked off; get the needle; have the needle; anger; blow top; rage at (гневаться, на кого-либо, что-либо); come round; take exception to (someone – на кого-либо TarasZ); get furious; burn; have a chip on one's shoulder (Example: "What's bothering that guy?" Reply: "Nothing. He's just got a chip on the shoulder." Игорь Миголатьев); come around; be angry (with); get mad; mope (VLZ_58); rage; become angry; angry at sb. for (sth, на кого-л., за что-л.); be angry (at / with someone, something – на кого-либо, что-либо); get angry (SirReal); be bitter over something (Someone was bitter over the lost love; another was disappointed in his friend reverso.net); angry with (на кого-л. за что-л.); angry with sb. for (sth, на кого-л. за что-л.); be angry with sb. for (sth, на кого-л. за что-л.)
Gruzovik be irritated (impf of обозлиться, разозлиться); be in a bad temper (impf of обозлиться, разозлиться)
Игорь Миг be peeved
amer. be mad (SirReal); fly into rage (Taras)
austral., slang do one's nana
brit. get in a strop (BroKE); get one's knickers in a twist (PeachyHoney)
brit., inf. throw a wobbly (В.И.Макаров)
fig., poetic rage (of a storm)
fig.of.sp. froth at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, fig. rage of a storm (impf of обозлиться, разозлиться)
idiom. hold grudges (VLZ_58); get bent out of shape (VLZ_58)
inf. show anger (Damirules); get uptight about something (Andrey Truhachev); nurse a grudge (igisheva); get exercised (VLZ_58); get one's knickers in a twist (If someone is getting their knickers in a twist about something, they are getting annoyed or upset about it without good reason. КГА)
Makarov. show temper; snarl; be aggravated; be in a temper temper; feel aggravated; be angry; be in a bad temper; be irritated; be nasty; be out of temper; burn up; climb the rigging; froth with rage; get nasty; rage against; rage at; display temper; foam at the mouth
Makarov., inf. foam a the mouth
slang stage (на кого-то); blow; blow one's top; blow one's stack; blow one's wig; blow one's topper; blow one's cork; blow one's noggin; blow one's roof; blow one's lump; blow a fuse; get one's back up; smoke; sored up; up-stage (на кого-то); upstage (на кого-то); get sore; have a cow (zoologist); have a spaz (Interex); have it in for (someone); steam; put out
злить v
gen. anger; drive round the bend (кого-либо ksuh); get one's dander up (кого-л.); put one's back up; irritate; tease; vex; make angry; cheese off; exacerbate; nettle; rouse; chafe; provoke; make somebody see red (кого-либо КГА); annoy; gall; miff; spite (alikssepia); drive someone over the edge (SirReal)
Gruzovik anger
Игорь Миг raise hackles
context. mess with (Giant men, bodybuilders, criminals and people you don't want to mess with. • I'm the man you don't want to mess with. Maria Klavdieva)
idiom. grind one's gears (Interex)
idiom., slang get up someone's nose
inf. tick off (VLZ_58); peeve (Andrey Truhachev); hack off (Br. Andrey Truhachev); bug (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., amer. burn
ironic. get on someone's bad side (кого-либо; только в контексте 4uzhoj)
low piss someone off (Oxiplegatz)
Makarov., amer. burn up (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. get someone's goat (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf., amer. sore up
rude fuck around with (Sen Dog from Cypress Hill is a classic example of a fire hydrant build. I wouldn't fuck around with him if I was you. 4uzhoj)
slang burn someone up; gripe; steam someone's beam (кого-либо Interex); chap (кого-либо); make sore (I had invested time and money in him, and three days in the icehouse, not to mention a slug on the jaw and a punch in the neck that I felt every time I swallowed. Now he was dead and I couldn't even give him back his five hundred bucks. That made me sore. It is always the little things that make you sore. (Raymond Chandler) – Это злило / раздражало меня. ART Vancouver); chap (кого-либо; I: didn't mean to chap you. Я не думал тебя разозлить. Interex)
slang, brit. mither (Andrey Truhachev)
slang, Makarov. aggravate
Игорь Миг, inf. drive crazy
злю v
inf. crosspatch (masc and fem); ill-natured person (masc and fem); spitfire (masc and fem)
злящийся prtc.
slang evil
 Russian thesaurus
зля v
gen. деепр. от злить
: 90 phrases in 8 subjects