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gen. pot; shoot down; gun down; zap; pip; put a bullet through (smb., кого́-л.); shoot to death (кого-либо); shoot and kill; fog; gun (кого-либо); shoot (ранить выстрелом: he was shot in the chest – ему выстрелили в грудь • shot dead – застреленный насмерть); shoot up; clip; plug; put a bullet through (кого-либо); shoot dead (кого-либо: He was shot dead by police.); pop; kill; kill smb. with a gun (кого́-л.); shoot smb. to death (кого́-л.)
Игорь Миг kill dead
amer. clip (someone); сленг; кого-либо Val_Ships); plug (кого-либо; to shoot: Were you around the night he plugged that guy? Val_Ships); pop (кого-либо; to shoot: when he popped that character Val_Ships)
anim.husb. shooting dead
animat. bag (I want to bag that animal! South_Park)
idiom. blow out someone's brains (кого-либо Bobrovska); put a bullet into (someone – кого-либо Bobrovska)
inf. drill a hole in ("продырявить", кого-либо); gun down (He was gunned down in his own doorway. Val_Ships); drill (кого-либо)
Makarov. gun down (из пистолета, автомата; кого-либо); gun up (кого-либо); make a hole in (someone – кого-либо); put a bullet through (someone – кого-либо); shoot someone dead (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. blow someone's brains out (кого-либо); drill a hole in (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., slang, amer. blow away
slang bump; bump off; bump-off; drill; scrag; smoke; blast (кого-либо Interex); blow someone away (кого-либо Interex); burn (кого-либо; Hold it! I've burned one guy tonight, and I ain't afraid a puttin' a hole through you. Уймись! Я пристрелил вчера одного чувака и я не боюсь продырявить тебя. Interex)
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gen. kill oneself; put a bullet through one's head; shoot oneself dead (lesdn); shoot oneself; put a pistol to one's head; commit suicide (Val_Ships)
Makarov. blow one's brains out; send a bullet through one's head
slang eat your gun (zdra); eat one's gun (to commit suicide by shooting oneself in the mouth Val_Ships)
застреленный prtc.
gen. fatally shot (Adriano Coriano, 55, has been charged with murder and related charges in the death of Gladys Coriano, 52, who was fatally shot as she sat in her SUV in front of her home. 4uzhoj); shot; shot to death (Val_Ships); shot and killed (but later he was found shot and killed Val_Ships)
news shooting victim (A 43-year-old certified nursing assistant was fatally shot at a Philadelphia hospital early Monday morning, and the suspect was a coworker of the shooting victim, police said. cnn.com 4uzhoj)
: 40 phrases in 8 subjects