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gen. constrain; reduce; stack; steamroller; prompt; force
inf. stick
Makarov. beat into; compel to; force out
| мёрзнуть
gen. freeze
| выключая
avia. shutoff
| нагревательные приборы
 нагревательный прибор
cem. exhaust feed heater
| или
tech. ditto
| отключая подачу
 отключать подачу
Makarov. cut off
| тепла
gen. warmth
- only individual words found

verb | verb | to phrases
заставлять vstresses
gen. constrain; reduce; stack (чем-либо); steamroller; prompt (His evasive reply prompted me to ask another question. VLZ_58); force; block; bring; determine (решиться); induce; impel; encourage (Arcola); screw down; beat (кого-либо сделать что-либо); get; move; compel; fill; cause (to cause a thing to be done – велеть что-либо выполнить); lead; oblige; will; run; bring to bring someone to do something; betake; blackjack; coerce; set out; get to do; keep doing (кого-либо); obligate (Anglophile); nudge (Aly19); dragoon (ABelonogov); hustle; screw; hold a person's nose to the grindstone (кого-либо); keep a person's nose to the grindstone (кого-либо); press to; put a person's nose to the grindstone (кого-либо); strongarm (While this is not expected to change the fact that United Russia will get the majority in the forthcoming parliamentary elections in December – because United Russia is a party of bureaucrats and is infamous for strongarming teachers, students and millions of public sector workers to vote for them – it is a clear indication to Mr Putin that he has to act. TG Alexander Demidov); bow down (кого-либо Taras); pressure (cognachennessy); motivate (What motivates you to get out of bed every day? -- Что заставляет вас ...? ART Vancouver); clog (VLZ_58); be made to (suburbian); keep (he kept me waiting – он заставил меня ждать; I won't keep you long – я вас долго не задержу); coerce (The mine owners coerced the workers into going back to work, by threatening to close down the mines completely vogeler); hector (She hectored her into drinking every drop Olya34); railroad (I don't really want to move to the south coast, but my wife is railroading me into buying a bungalow there for our retirement Taras); is made to (suburbian); keep (he kept me waiting – он заставил меня ждать); make (someone do something – кого-либо делать что-либо); railroad into (Taras); make someone do something (кого-либо) делать (что-либо; make someone do something linton); a make bate; determinate (решиться); press; put to it; put upon; reduct; set (что сделать); tie; tye; cram; jam; clutter; block off; close off
Gruzovik block up (impf of заставить); cram; obstruct (impf of заставить)
Игорь Миг incentivise; force one's hand
amer., inf. sandbag
archit. line (что-либо чём-либо)
auto. drive
cliche. get sb. to do sth. (Are they getting you to do any exercises in the bed, like lifting your feet? -- Тебя не заставляют ...? ART Vancouver)
dipl. prod (sb bigmaxus); urge along (bigmaxus); urge forward (bigmaxus); urge to (bigmaxus); urge upon (bigmaxus)
econ. compel (принуждать); force (принуждать)
el. enforce
fig. bayonet (igisheva)
fin. force on (someone – кого-либо)
Gruzovik, inf. put in the wrong place (impf of заставить)
inf. stick; push on; guiltsomeone intosomething. (Андрей Шагин); strong-arm (силой: The mobsters tried to strong-arm the shopkeeper into paying them protection money by threatening to trash his store • The corrupt senator strong-armed his colleagues into voting for the controversial bill by blackmailing those who refused • The school bully strong-armed the other kids into giving him their lunch money every day through intimidation and force Taras); onto (What's she been onto him to do now? – Что она на этот раз заставляла его сделать? VLZ_58)
IT dictate
libr. displace (книгу); misshelve (книгу и т.п.)
Makarov. beat into (кого-либо сделать что-либо); compel to + inf.; force out; squeeze; impel to; keep up (кого-либо); lead to; make; shove on; reduce to
Makarov., inf., amer. sandbag into
math. insist (on); this force makes electrons move
media. cause
mil. deter an attack (противника)
O&G urge
obs. prease
SAP.tech. cause (+ infinitive)
slang oontz; highjack; jawbone; lean against; lean on
uncom. beggar
заставляться v
gen. cram; fill; obstruct; block up
Gruzovik shield oneself (impf of заставиться)
inf. put in the wrong place
заставлять мёрзнуть выключая нагревательные приборы или отключая подачу тепла
: 1 phrase in 1 subject