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западло adv.stresses
Игорь Миг it's inappropriate; it is beneath someone to (Ей западло принимать у меня из рук деньги – She thought it was beneath her to take money from me – mberdy)
inf. I won't stoop to that level (Taras); I'm not in the mood for that (Taras); I can't be bothered with that (Taras); kicker (Vadim Rouminsky)
jarg. one can't be bothered (В воскресенье западло работать – One can't be bothered to work on Sunday VLZ_58)
pris.sl. taboo (VLZ_58); not in compliance with norms of prison life (VLZ_58)
slang be too lazy to do something (VLZ_58); be beneath (someone); Делать грязную работу ему западло – It's beneath him to do dirty work VLZ_58)
: 16 phrases in 2 subjects