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gen. rigged with explosives
mil. mine studded; mine-infested; mine-strewn; sown mines; mined
mil. tech. mine-studded
tech. mine-studded
inf. plant explosives; plant a bomb
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verb | adjective | to phrases
заминировать vstresses
сообщить о заминировании; заложить взрывчатку
expl. rig an explosive device (предмет, тело и пр.: In the latter half, she shared the true story of Clay Wheeler, a Texas aircraft repair shop owner who witnessed an array of paranormal phenomena at a small airport where he lived that included UFOs, aliens, poltergeists, demonic possession, and plain old murder. She fictionalized Wheeler's location because he had allegedly shot and buried an alien, and possibly rigged explosives at the burial site. -- заминировал место, где закопал его coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
inf. plant explosives (в знач. "заложить взрывчатку": We planted explosives outside a bank in Seattle.); plant a bomb (в знач. "заложить взрывчатку"); rig with explosives (в знач. "заложить взрывчатку" grafleonov); rig (with explosives: Instead of coming at me head-on, they rigged the shuttle pad.)
mil. mine (During their retreat, the Russian military forces mined the crossing points in the villages of Otobaia and Ganmukhuri. • The Portuguese had densely mined the area, especially the access routes. • On 28 October, Abkhazians and Russian occupants mined all the shores of the Enguri River used by local Georgians for crossing and accessing Georgian-controlled territories. • Prior to their departure, local militia also mined the area.)
mil., navy close by mining (пролив, порт: We do not believe ports now should be struck nor closed by mining because of the confrontation this might cause with the Soviet Union. • The Reagan Administration moved to correct the problem with a program to build 31 mine hunters and minesweepers. It did so amid repeated warnings by naval experts that strategic waters, including those of the Persian Gulf, were especially vulnerable to being closed by mining. • There also has been the concern that the Strait of Malacca or the Indonesian straits linking the Pacific and Indian oceans could be closed by mining or other actions in wartime. • But as far as one can tell, they did not expect the resumption of total bombing which is now destroying much of the economic development on which the Hanoi leadership has spent much time and money over the past two years. They almost certainly did not expect their harbors to be closed by mining.)
заминированный adj.
gen. rigged with explosives (grafleonov)
mil. mine studded; mine-infested; mine-strewn; sown mines; mined
tech. mine-studded
плотно и беспорядочно заминированный adj.
mil., tech. mine-studded
: 59 phrases in 9 subjects
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal2
Information technology1
Security systems3