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verb | verb | to phrases
заматываться vstresses
gen. fatigue (Stas-Soleil)
Gruzovik cocoon (impf of замотаться); wind round (impf of замотаться); wrap oneself up (impf of замотаться)
inf. be wound around (with вокруг); wrap oneself (with instr., in); be tired out; be worn out
inf., fig. wear oneself to a frazzle (She's worn herself to a frazzle (= made herself very tired and nervous) trying to meet the deadline. cambridge.org Shabe)
заматывать v
gen. roll up; fatigue (Stas-Soleil); shake (with instr., one’s head); wag (one’s tail)
Gruzovik coil up; reel up; twist (impf of замотать); wind up (impf of замотать); wind (up (impf замотать)
Gruzovik, fig. tire out (impf of замотать); wear out (impf of замотать)
inf. wind around; wind onto; wrap (with instr., in or with); wear out; tire out
Makarov. whip
nautic. whip (конец троса)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject