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gen. project manager – developer (E&Y ABelonogov); owner and developer (max hits Alexander Demidov); property owner and developer (As a property owner and developer, our ability to integrate the entire real estate management and construction process, coupled with our deep operational experience and knowledge base, ensures that Holladay Properties can deliver solutions that add value and maximize your bottom line. Property owner and developer Vincent Cosgrave built an apartment block without full planning approval – and now his tenants are facing eviction and... Henry Ferdinand Halloran (9 August 1869 – 22 October 1953) was a major property owner and developer in New South Wales in the early part of the twentieth century. Alexander Demidov)
construct. owner/developer (AD Ihor Sapovsky); construction manager (все функции заказчика-застройщика (в общей сложности 17 видов работ) объединены одним общим термином – управление строительством! Косвенное подтверждение правильности найденного термина можно найти на сайте newyork.construction.com, где речь идёт о порядке представления строительных проектов на рассмотрение компетентных органов. По Некрасовой Т.П. Пчёлка_83); construction management company (по Некрасовой Т.П. Пчёлка_83); building contractor (editor_moscow); licensed construction manager (felixina)
O&G, sakh. construction customer (sakh. Sakhalin Energy)
construct. property developer (a person or company that buys land or buildings in order to build new houses, shops/stores, etc., or to improve the old ones, and makes a profit from doing this. OALD Alexander Demidov)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects