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gen. be haughty; bridle; perk; bridle up; cock one's nose; be above oneself; cock the nose; do the grand; get above oneself; god it; turn up nose; give oneself airs (Anglophile); put on frills (Anglophile); plume; be set up; perk up; take on; stick nose up in the air; hold head high; be above oneself; stuck up their nose (Alex_Odeychuk); go to someone's head (You've done a really good job, but don't let it go to your head Taras); nose; carry the wind; turn up one’s nose
Игорь Миг show off; act like a bigshot (Общительный, весёлый… в пять минут так расположит к себе собеседника. В общем, не задирает нос. Хотя мог бы, поскольку он – из числа золотой молодёжи! – He's outgoing, good-natured… and he makes you feel at home in five minutes. Basically, he doesn't act like a bigshot. Although he could since he's part of the rich kid crowd. /// mberdy.19); look down one's nose
avia. nose up (самолёта)
brit. get uppish (ART Vancouver)
fig. crow
Gruzovik, inf. turn up one's nose
idiom. turn up one's nose at (someone); go about with head in the air (one's VadZ); set up one's comb (устар. Bobrovska)
inf. be snooty about something (We are a city of foodies, but at the same time, we're not snooty about it. ART Vancouver); get a swelled head (Азери); get snotty ("I think a man ought to get drunk at least twice a year just on principle, so he won't let himself get snotty about it." (Raymond Chandler) – чтобы не зазнаваться ART Vancouver)
Makarov. put on airs; stick one's nose up in the air; hold one's head high; cock nose; pitch up (о самолете); puff up
Makarov., avia. nose up (о самолете)
obs. crest
obs., inf. put on dog (В.И.Макаров)
proverb set up one's comb
slang puffed up (Interex)
tech. pitch up (о самолёте)
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: 18 phrases in 5 subjects