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загородный домstresses
gen. country house; country-house; country place (контекстуально – фраза имеет достаточно размытую семантику, поэтому может использоваться и в более широком значении, типа "загородное имение" и пр.: In December 1941 he was put on a pension and retired to his country place at Grasse, near Cannes, France. • Robert was an usher at the Exchequer, and he prided himself on keeping a paternal eye on the clerks and often invited them home to his houseful of daughters in Westminster, and sometimes to his country place in Buckinghamshire.); country home; weekend getaway (в русском контексте, для разъяснения иностранцам, возможно использовать даже в значении "дача, дачка", т.к. туда приезжают на выходные) ART Vancouver); cottage; a house of pleasure; pleasure house
Игорь Миг country retreat; out-of-town cottage
amer. summer camp
archit. country mansion
busin. holiday house
construct. summerhouse; leisure house; summer house; second home (ART Vancouver); weekend house
construct., amer. camp
lat.amer. quinta (a country villa or estate especially in Portugal or Latin America, also: The genteel decor takes its cues from the quintas (farms) of local wine grandees, and each room features photographs and accessories contributed by a different Portuguese winemaker.)
law country estate
Makarov. villa
stat. holiday home (bookworm)
tech. bower; cot; cote; cottage
USA cabin (в горах, на острове или у озера; термин применяется в США и Канаде ART Vancouver)
загородный дом
: 27 phrases in 8 subjects
Real estate2