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жилищный фондstresses
gen. available housing; housing stock (Жилищный фонд – совокупность всех жилых помещений, находящихся на территории государства. || the total number of houses and apartments in an area. (MW): The housing stock is no longer large enough for the population (OCD) • There was a decrease in available housing stock last year. Alexander Demidov)
busin. housing facilities stock; housing resources
construct. floorage; housing (Здания, предназначенные для проживания. Совокупность всех жилых помещений, находящихся на территории cntd.ru Natalya Rovina); housing stock; housing fund (pravo.by SergeiAstrashevsky)
EBRD residential properties
econ. amount of housing; housing space; living-space fund; residential stock
law housing
real.est. housing supply (Supply: This is the component that developers and their allies push hardest, since it serves their interest to lobby for the most efficient, inexpensive way to build more housing “supply”. But on its own, more supply won’t come close to solving affordability. As Yan and many others rightly ask: Who will the new housing supply be for? For wealthy investors seeking palaces and $4-million luxury view condos? Or for local workers desperate for three-bedroom homes in which to raise a young family? (vancouversun.com) • Since the 1970s, Vancouver has tripled its total number of housing units. If adding housing supply and new density to a city leads to affordable housing as many now contend, Vancouver should have the lowest housing prices in North America. It has the highest! (thetyee.ca) ART Vancouver)
sociol. dwelling stock; stock of dwellings
жилищные фонды
econ. housing properties; residential properties (выделяемые фирмами для обеспечения жильём своих работников)
law housing funds
жилищный фонд
: 53 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2
Public utilities1
Real estate3