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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. reek; smoke; fume (давать испарения); puff; steam; smolder (Рина Грант); smolder; give off smoke
Gruzovik drift; emit fumes; emit smoke; float; smoulder; emit steam; billow (of fog, steam)
auto. fume
fig. fume (от злости, ярости Vadim Rouminsky)
Makarov. give off fumes (давать испарения)
obs. fumish (Yerkwantai)
дымить v
gen. smoke (with instr., a cigarette, cigar, etc.); fume; reek; puff; fuff; steam
Gruzovik puff away at one's cigarette; emit smoke; fumigate; fill with smoke; smoke
chem. fumed
environ. belch smoke (demand that companies stop belching smoke out of factory chimneys... Fesenko)
literal. blow smoke (сигаретой, сигарой: Ew, don't blow smoke in my face!)
Makarov. fume away; belch smoke; fuff out; give off smoke; puff away; puff out
: 33 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1