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gen. additional share issue (gennier); secondary equity offering (A Seasoned equity offering or secondary equity offering (SEO) is a new equity issue by an already publicly-traded company. Secondary offerings may involve shares sold by existing shareholders (non-dilutive), new shares (dilutive) or both. WK Alexander Demidov); SEO (Alexander Demidov); seasoned equity offering (A seasoned equity offering or secondary equity offering (SEO) or capital increase is a new equity issue by an already publicly traded company. Seasoned offerings may involve shares sold by existing shareholders (non-dilutive), new shares (dilutive) or both. If the seasoned equity offering is made by an issuer that meets certain regulatory criteria, it may be a shelf offering. WK Alexander Demidov); follow-on offering (A follow-on offering is an issue of stock that comes after a company has already issued an initial public offering (IPO). A follow-on offering can be diluted, meaning that the new shares lower a company's earnings per share (EPS), or undiluted, if the additional shares are preferred. A company looking to offer additional shares registers the offering with regulators, which includes a prospectus of the investment. investopedia.com Alexander Demidov); subsequent offering (An offering of additional shares after the issuing company has already had an initial public offering (IPO). In a subsequent offering, the new shares are usually issued from the company's treasury, and the net offering proceeds go the company. Since a subsequent offering increases the company's shares outstanding, it has a dilutive effect, i.e., it dilutes the stakes of existing shareholders. investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
law, ADR allotment (из кипрского Реестра участников и книги учета акций – Register of Members and Share Ledger Serge1985)
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: 12 phrases in 7 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development3