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verb | verb | to phrases
донимать vstresses
gen. press; exhaust; pester; hammer away (кого-либо); ply (расспросами); persecute (Aly19); hassle (Franka_LV); badger (someone – кого-либо bookworm); afflict; annoy; bore; bother; harry; nag; worry; hound (кого-либо Jan1970); assail (Баян); give someone a hard time (about something – чем-либо, из-за чего-либо: An old girlfriend who gave me a hard time about joints. markovka); get on one's tits (кого-то: Stop it, Joe, you're really getting on my tits vogeler); get on tits (кого-то: Stop it, Joe, you're really getting on my tits vogeler)
Gruzovik gain sympathy (impf of донять); make short work (impf of донять; of); tire out (impf of донять); deal with (impf of донять); harass (impf of донять); weary (impf of донять); exasperate (impf of донять)
Игорь Миг wear down; itch
amer. give fits (Taras)
brit. mither (pester or irritate someone, тж. moither Clepa)
busin. hassle (smb)
fig., inf. plague (Aurora22)
Gruzovik, obs. collect the remainder of debts, taxes, etc (impf of донять)
idiom. get into one's ribs (ART Vancouver); be a pain (Баян); be a pain (in the ass Баян)
inf. bombard; drive someone up the wall (VLZ_58); grate on nerves (VLZ_58); be on someone's case (You feel like everyone is on your case today, and they are. VLZ_58); harass; beset
inf., amer. devil
Makarov. beleaguer; afflict with; hammer away at; pester (someone – кого-либо); wear out; weary to death
Makarov., inf. bombard with (вопросами)
Makarov., inf., engl. get on someone's wick someone's (кого-либо)
slang nudge (He was always nudging his son to move to a better neighborhood Taras); nudzh (Taras); bug (Баян)
дониматься v
gen. deal (with); exasperate; gain sympathy; harass; make short work (of); pester; tire out; weary
Gruzovik, inf. rest content (with what has been achieved); be content (with what has been achieved)
obs., inf. collect the remainder (of debts, taxes, etc)
: 14 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1