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verb | verb | verb | to phrases
донести vstresses
gen. blow upon; delate; inform (на кого-либо // He was a pariah. He had informed on two other cops who engaged in police brutality. And it had cost him his livelihood. 4uzhoj); rat; fink; inform against (кому-либо, на кого-либо); inform on (кому-либо, на кого-либо); get over; rat on; get something across to (объяснить triumfov); finish carrying; wear out; waft; nark; put the finger on (на кого-либо); put something across (triumfov); only to wear; grass (на кого-либо); tell on (someone – на кого-либо BrinyMarlin); get across (мысль и т.п. до кого-либо: That is a message that has to be got across to people without scaring the living daylights out of them," he said. // тж. send across, put across 4uzhoj); get through (The really clear message I want to get through is this is not about this season – by Spencer Callaghan Tamerlane); grass up (на кого-либо; to report someone to a person in authority matchin); communicate (So I decided to take action and learn it so that I can redesign my bathroom and also communicate this idea to the tradesmen clearly. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik carry to/as far as (pf of доносить); bring to (pf of доносить); deliver (pf of доносить; to); carry (to/as far as (pf of доносить); take to (pf of доносить); announce (pf of доносить)
Игорь Миг tip off about
austral. pimp on (Taras)
formal make a report (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. hammer home (что-либо до кого-либо 4uzhoj)
idiom., explan. drop a dime (на кого-либо – on someone 4uzhoj)
inf. squeak; reach quickly (pf of доноситься)
inf., new.zeal., austral. dob (на кого-либо)
law lay information against
Makarov. be able to carry as far as the place; get across (до слушателя); grass on (на кого-либо); put across (что-либо; до слушателей)
Makarov., inf., new.zeal., austral. dob in (на кого-либо)
mil. report
patents. inform against
slang squeal; nose on; holler; finger (полиции; на кого-либо)
slang, explan. snitch
slang, Makarov. blow the whistle (on someone – на кого-либо) не несет негативной окраски и употребляется в нейтральном контексте в официальной лексике английского языка)
донестись v
gen. carry; greet; only to wear; finish carrying; get worn out; ripen (of ideas, plans, etc); wear out; waft (ветром и т.п.); be heard; be sensed; reach
Gruzovik be heard; be hear (pf of доноситься); be carried (to/as far as; be delivered to; be brought to; be taken to; be borne a sound or smell; be carried to/as far as; reach of news, smell, sound, etc
fig. mature
Gruzovik, inf. reach quickly (pf of доноситься)
Makarov. reach one's ears (до наших ушей)
донестить v
Gruzovik bear a sound or smell (pf of доносить)
донесённый prtc.
hist. preserved (Сынковский)
 Russian thesaurus
донеся v
gen. деепр. от донести
: 117 phrases in 20 subjects
Government, administration and public services1