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держать руку на пульсеstresses
gen. keep one's finger on the pulse (Anglophile); have one's finger on the pulse (to be familiar with the most recent developments: Whoever designed the new model obviously had their finger on the pulse – it's precisely the sort of computer everyone's been waiting for. Taras); have a keen sense of the pulse of (bookworm); stay relevant (godiva); keep one's eye on the ball (Viacheslav Volkov); keep abreast of (the developments, events, etc. Арнольдыч); be on top of it (Tanya Gesse); feel the pulse of; constantly stay informed about ongoing changes
Игорь Миг keep up to speed; monitor
fig.of.sp. have a finger on the pulse (felog); stay up to date with (таких-то событий, тенденций развития обстановки Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov. keep one's eye on the ball; keep one's finger on the pulse
"держать руку на пульсе"
gen. keep an ear to the ground (to make sure that you always know what is happening in a situation teterevaann)
"держа руку на пульсе"
tradem. Pulse (Liquid_Sun)
держать руку на пульсе
: 19 phrases in 5 subjects
Figure of speech2