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дебил nstresses
gen. mental slug (пр.: When it comes to quantum physics, you are still a mental slug. – В области квантовой физики ты, можно сказать, дебил. Любознательная Ласточка); subnormal; dummy
Игорь Миг nutjob; dimwit; dork; nut-case; fucker (груб., руг.); real nut job; jerkoff; retarded
amer. imbecile (a very stupid person Val_Ships)
austral., slang not the full quid
brit. bell end (Taras); blert (Taras)
fig. spa (igisheva); spack (igisheva); spacker (igisheva); spastic (igisheva); spaz (igisheva); spazmo (igisheva); spazmoid (igisheva); spazzer (igisheva); spazzy (igisheva); sped (igisheva); spac (igisheva); spacka (igisheva); loony (igisheva); looney (igisheva); looney tune (igisheva); looney tunes (igisheva); loonie (igisheva); loony tune (igisheva); loony tunes (igisheva); spackhead (igisheva); spacko (igisheva); spazz (igisheva); loon (igisheva); lemming (george serebryakov)
inf. goose; a moron; numnut (WiseSnake); numbnuts (chronik); dope (Anglophile); jerk (Taras); mouth-breather (VLZ_58); a retard (очень глупый человек a very stupid person; offensive); retard (He's like a retard that doesn't know any better Andrey Truhachev); zipdick (mazurov); dense cabbage (каких мало Taras)
invect. lunatic (igisheva); chucklefuck (Taras); shit-for-brain (Taras); shitbag (Taras); fuckwit ("A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions." – urbandictionary.com Vadim Rouminsky); suck bag (Taras)
IT bagbiter (блок вычислительной системы или программа, ведущие себя по-дурацки)
med. moron; debile (Alex Lilo)
rude dumbass (Alexander Matytsin); schmuck (Schmuck, or shmuck, is a pejorative term meaning one who is stupid or foolish, or an obnoxious, contemptible or detestable person. The word came into the English language from Yiddish (Yiddish: שמאָק, shmok), where it has similar pejorative meanings, but where its literal meaning is a vulgar term for a penis: What you have here is a garden-variety asshole. What a schmuck. (видео в ссылке) reddit.com ART Vancouver); head ass (Баян); headass (Баян)
scottish dafty (КГА); daftie (КГА)
slang gonus; one-eye; retard (Franka_LV); nipple head (Азери); sissy (MichaelBurov); doormat (MichaelBurov); wimp (MichaelBurov); dead-head (MichaelBurov); milk-toast (MichaelBurov); dawdler (MichaelBurov); ditherer (MichaelBurov); milk toast (MichaelBurov); drizzle (амер. MichaelBurov); gruel (MichaelBurov); gook (MichaelBurov); jellyfish (MichaelBurov); flummery (MichaelBurov); sap (MichaelBurov); dishrag (MichaelBurov); nuts (MichaelBurov); knobnot (MichaelBurov); bananahead (MichaelBurov); sniveller (MichaelBurov); drip (MichaelBurov); pansy (MichaelBurov); drizzle puss (MichaelBurov); glamor puss (MichaelBurov); pickle-puss (MichaelBurov); puss (MichaelBurov); sour-puss (MichaelBurov); sklonk (MichaelBurov); spoops (MichaelBurov); dorк (Anglophile); bitch (Skyer); droptop (MichaelBurov); bananas (MichaelBurov); namby-pamby (в контексте; узус ругательного выражения может быть весьма далёк от своего истинного смысла MichaelBurov); prize plum (suburbian); wackjob (vogeler); whackjob (vogeler); wack job (vogeler); whack job (vogeler); spoopsy (MichaelBurov); dipshit (Artjaazz); birdbrain (Val_Ships); gungshow (He just slid headfirst into a giant mud puddle 10 minutes before his philosophy exam, what a gongshow. Может употребляться вариант "gong". VLZ_58); bonehead (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг, inf. fuckhead
: 20 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling2