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гражданский супругstresses
gen. civil partner (SWexler); spouse-equivalent (Abakaner); spousal equivalent (Abakaner); cohabitant (used to describe one of two people living together, especially as partners for life, usually in a sexual relationship: Over 1.5 million Americans have been shot at, stabbed or cut by their current spouse or cohabitant lover. Phrase Bank ⃝ He was booked on allegations of cohabitant abuse, robbery and false imprisonment. Additional Notes ⃝ also used as a noun to mean cohabiter (=a person who cohabits with another): Courts must treat same-sex couples the same as mixed-sex cohabitants. TED Alexander Demidov)
law de facto spouse (супруга Maxim Prokofiev); common-law partner (andrew_egroups)
nonstand. domestic partner (в бытовом общении "гражданский(ая) муж (жена)" означает сожителя(-льницу) gramota.ru Leonid Dzhepko)
sociol. common-law spouse
гражданская супруга
law common-law partner (andrew_egroups)
гражданский супруг
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